General terms and conditions


Article I

Introductory Provisions

  1. Business company Solidintern s.r.o. with its registered seat at Konventná 7969/6, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia, ID number: 54 306 167, registered in the commercial register of the District Court Bratislava I, Department: Sro, Insert No.: 158332/B, hereinafter referred to as the "operator", is the operator of the website, hereinafter referred to as the "website" and provider of services provided via the website.
  2. The operator in compliance with Section 273 (1) of Act no. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended, issues these General Terms and Conditions valid for services provided via the website, hereinafter referred to as "GTC".
  3. GTC regulate the rights and obligations of the operator and natural and/or legal persons in the provision and use of the operator's services provided via the website. The GTC are an integral part of the contract concluded with the operator in connection with the activities according to the previous sentence and are binding for all users of the operator's services provided via the website.
  4. The subject of the operator's services, which are provided via the website, shall primarily be the offer and search for internships, trainee programs, job offers for graduates of internships and trainee programs, and the search for graduates of internships and trainee programs. The subject of the services according to the previous sentence is tied to the added value (experience, knowledge, orientation and others), which is provided to natural persons only by means of a qualified internship, trainee program or a qualified job offer.


 Article II


  1. For the purposes of the General Terms and Conditions and for the establishment, alteration or termination of any legal relationship between the operator and a natural and/or legal person in the provision and use of the operator's services via the website, the following terms shall be interpreted as follows:

    1. Terms in the plural form shall include the singular, and vice versa, and words indicating the masculine gender shall include the feminine
    2. References to an article, section or letter shall be interpreted as references to an article, section or letter of these GTC
    3. Headings of the articles of these GTC shall be inserted for convenience and also shall affect the meaning and interpretation of the GTC
    4. Website shall refer to, or another link to this site
    5. Natural and/or legal persons using the services of the operator provided via the website shell be Clients and Applicants
    6. Client shall refer to a natural or legal person using or planning to use the services provided by the operator via the website, primarily in order to find a suitable intern or employee
    7. Applicant shall refer to a natural person who uses the services provided by the operator via the website, primarily in order to find an internship or trainee program, or to find a job offer for graduates of internship or trainee programs
    8. Internship or Trainee Program shall be a qualified paid or unpaid activity for the applicant, organized by the client, the target of which shall be to provide experience, knowledge and orientation of the applicant in order to increase his opportunities for employment for the client or other entities.
    9. Job Offer shall be an offer published by the client or the operator on behalf of the client with the aim of filling a qualified employment vacancy with an applicant who has already completed an internship or trainee program
    10. Qualified Employment Vacancy shall be a job position that, in terms of content, requires certain prerequisites that are not common and the filling of which is consistent with the subject of the operator's services according to these GTC
    11. Curriculum Vitae (CV) shall be a summary of personal and other data about the applicant, created by the applicant himself via the website or in another way and subsequently used by means of the website
    12. Services provided by the operator via the website, hereinafter referred to as "Services", shall be products that the operator provides to clients and applicants primarily via the website and his additional activities
    13. Price List shall be a list containing the prices of services provided by the operator to his clients
    14. Acceptance shall mean the acceptance of an applicant‘s CV or the acceptance of an internship offer, trainee program, job offer or other services according to the GTC from the client and their use in the services or their inclusion in services
    15. Error shall mean different data provided on the website compared to the CV written by the applicant or of the offer selected by the client. An error shall also be the non-functionality of the services listed in the client's order, for a period longer than 6 hours within the previous 24 hours due to reasons on the part of the operator
    16. Service shall not mean a fee charged mediation of employment according to Act no. 5/2004 Coll. on employment services and on the amendment of certain laws as amended


 Article III

Services for Applicants

  1. Services provided by the operator to applicants shall be free of charge and serve aid in finding an internship, trainee program or job offer via the website.
  2. Creation of a user login – registration – shall be required for the proper use of the services by the applicant. The applicant may cancel his registration at any time by sending an email to the operator expressing his wish to cancel his registration. Cancelling the registration means the termination of the possibility to use the services and the consequence of the above is the anonymization of the personal data of the applicant.
  3. The services provided to applicants include the the following possibilities, mainly via the website:

    1. Creating a CV – the applicant has the opportunity to create a CV by filling in a form on the website, which contains several items to fill in either by selecting from the given alternatives or by writing them out. The applicant undertakes to enter only true and up-to-date data and takes responsibility that the given data is accurate, true and recent. The applicant takes into account that the given data may be of a personal nature. Upon acceptance by the operator, the CV is stored with the operator and included in the services.

The operator is entitled even before accepting the applicant's CV to reject it or its changes on the grounds that it does not comply with the legal order of the Slovak Republic, contains offensive expressions and vulgarisms, does not correspond to the focus of the subject of the operator's services or contains irrelevant and incomplete data.

  1. Selecting search criteria - the applicant has the option to choose between searching for an internship or trainee program and a job offer. The possibility of a job offer is limited only to those applicants who have already completed an internship or trainee program. Selecting a search criterion means choosing from several options offered by the website, either by selecting from several alternatives or by writing them out.
  2. My offer - selection from the options of Internship, Trainee program or Job offer – these offers are automatically selected by the service for the applicant according to the client‘s preferences and the data provided by the applicant. The applicant agrees to the regular sending of the corresponding internship offer, trainee program or job offer based on the data and search criteria specified by the applicant to the email address chosen by him. The applicant still has the option to confirm the cancellation of sending the email offer according to this section of the GTC. After choosing a specific offer, the applicant is entitled to send his CV and other documents to the client according to the functionalities of the website.

The applicant always has the opportunity to request a manual assessment of the offered internship, trainee program or job offer by sending an email to the operator expressing his wish for a manual assessment.

When responding to one or more of the offered internships, trainee programs, or job offers, the applicant must always grant the client consent to the processing of personal data in the following wording (without this consent, the required functionality of the website shall not be made available to the applicant due to the legal order of the Slovak Republic) :

"By my signature or declaration or a clearly active affirmative act (freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of will), on this Consent to the processing of personal data, I hereby declare, pursuant to the provisions of Art. 6(1)(a) and/or Art. (9)(2)(a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that as the data subject I voluntarily and freely grant my consent to the processing, management, storage and use of my personal data to the trading company (Name................), with registered office (......................), Slovakia, ID number : (.....................),as the operator of an information system in which personal data of natural persons are processed using automated and non-automated means of processing, within the scope of my identification data, academic degree, first name, surname, date of birth, nationality, city and district in which I live, photograph, contact details (email, phone number), authorisation via social networks (Facebook, Linkedin), indication of education - school, field of study, year and other data on the scope of education and knowledge, completed internships and work experience and other data listed in the CV and other documents sent in connection with the search for an Internship, Trainee program or Job offer, which I provided for these purposes to the above-mentioned company via the website www. within the Internet computer network. During the processing of personal data, there shall be no case of a cross-border transfer to third countries. The consent can be withdrawn at any time, otherwise the consent shall expire after 3 years from the date of its granting and the date shall be anonymized and further used exclusively for statistical purposes. "

  1. Browsing between existing offers for Internship, Trainee program and Job offers - the applicant has the opportunity to view existing offers for internship, trainee program and job offers and respond to them by sending his CV and other documents. When responding to them, the same shall apply regarding the consent to the processing of personal data, as stated under letter C of this Section of Article III of the GTC.
  1. The above-mentioned service options for the applicant within the services represent the basic framework of services for the applicant and the operator is entitled to further expand them and increase the functionalities of the website.
  2. The above-mentioned options for the applicant within the services and others according to Section 4 of this Article of the GTC shall be tied to the existence of the consent to the processing of personal data on the part of the applicant, and therefore its termination also results in the impossibility of providing services on the part of the operator and the use of services by the applicant.


Article IV

Services for Clients

  1. The services that the operator provides to clients are mostly charged and serve as aid in finding people interested in internships, trainee programs or job offers organized by clients via the website.
  2. Creating a user login – registration – is required for the proper use of services by clients. As part of the registration, the client provides the data necessary for concluding the contract or data necessary for the proper contract execution (identification data, contact data and others). The client may cancel his registration at any time by sending an email to the operator expressing his wish to cancel his registration. The cancellation of registration is understood as the termination of the possibility to use the services. However, cancelling the registration does not mean the termination of the contractual relationship between the operator and the client.
  3. The services provided to the client, mainly via the website, include the the following possibilities:

    1. Publishing an offer of an internship or trainee program. These offers are tied to applicants who have already completed an internship or trainee program, as well as to applicants who have not participated in them. The client has the opportunity to create an offer of an internship or trainee program on the website by filling in a form containing several items to be filled in, either by selecting from the given alternatives or by writing them out. The operator shall include the offer of an internship or trainee program chosen by the client after its activation into the services, publish it on the website and send it to the personal space and also by email to all applicants who meet the specified criteria. Applicants interested in the offer can send their CV and other documents and consent to the processing of personal data via the portal to the client's contact email. The time of publication of the offer and its additional services (top employer, top offer and top presentation and others according to the functionalities of the website) are determined by the client by confirming them electronically on the website. The offer publication period and additional services chosen by the client must be in accordance with the operator's valid price list published on the website. The client bindingly confirms the content of the order of the offer on the website.
    2. Publishing a job offer for interns.This offer is tied only to those applicants who have already completed an internship or a trainee program. The client has the opportunity to create a qualified employment vacancy offer by filling in a form on the website containing several items to be filled in, either by choosing from the given alternatives or by writing them out. The operator shall include the employment vacancy offer chosen by the client after its activation into the services, publish it on the website and send it to the personal space and also by email to all applicants who meet the specified criteria. Applicants interested in the offer can send their CV and other documents and consent to the processing of personal data via the portal to the client's contact email. The time of publication of the offer and its additional services (top employer, top offer and top presentation and others according to the functionalities of the website) are determined by the client by confirming them electronically on the website. The offer publication period and additional services chosen by the client must be in accordance with the operator's valid price list published on the website. The client bindingly confirms the content of the order of the offer on the website.
    3. Searching for candidates for an internship or trainee program/job offer. As part of this service, the operator shall recruit candidates for the client (in his own name and for account of the client) and shall send the client a selection of only suitable candidates. Details of rights and obligations are agreed upon by the operator and the client individually.
    4. Searching for an Erasmus intern from abroad. The operator shall search for the client (in his own name and for account of the client) applicants from among university students from abroad in fields according to the client's needs for internship programs. Details of rights and obligations are agreed upon by the operator and the client individually.
    5. Promoting a project or company among university students. The operator offers effective ways of promoting the client's project or company among applicants. The promotion includes client support in the form of a newsletter, in the form of advertising on the solidintern portal, social networks and other partner websites.                                                   Details of rights and obligations are agreed upon by the operator and the client individually.             
    6. Virtual job fair. The operator offers the opportunity to organize your company's virtual job fair intended for Slovak students and university graduates. Details of rights and obligations are agreed upon by the operator and the client individually.                                                         
  4. The above-mentioned service options for the client within the services represent the basic framework of services for the client, and the operator is entitled to further expand these and increase the functionality of the website.
  5. The operator is entitled to reject the services chosen by the client or their changes even before accepting them, on the grounds that a) they do not comply with the legal order of the Slovak Republic, good morals, or ethical standards b) they contain offensive expressions and vulgarisms c) they do not correspond to the focus of the subject of the operator's services d) contain irrelevant data e) are incomplete or misleading and f) contain advertising or marketing content.
  6. Provided the service chosen by the client also includes the sending of information from or about applicants that is of the nature of personal data, the client agrees that the applicants shall give the client (in his name and for his account) consent to the processing of their personal data via the website in the following wording 
    "By my signature or declaration or a clearly active affirmative act (freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of will), on this Consent to the processing of personal data, I hereby declare, pursuant to the provisions of Art. 6(1)(a) and/or Art. (9)(2)(a) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, that as the data subject I voluntarily and freely grant regarding the processing, management, storage and use of my personal data to the trading company (Name................), with registered office (......................), Slovakia, ID number : (.....................),as the operator of an information system in which personal data of natural persons is processed using automated and non-automated means of processing, within the scope of my identification data, academic degree, first name, surname, date of birth, nationality, city and district in which I live, photograph, contact details (email, phone number), authorisation via social networks (Facebook, Linkedin), indication of education – school, field of study, year and other data on the scope of education and knowledge, completed internships and work experience and other data listed in the CV and other documents sent in connection with the search for an Internship, Trainee program or Job offer and for the purpose to search for an Internship, Trainee program or Job offer, which I provided to the above-mentioned company via the website www. within the Internet computer network. During the processing of personal data, there shall be no case of a cross-border transfer to third countries. The consent can be withdrawn at any time, otherwise the consent shall expire after 3 years from the date of its granting and the date shall be anonymized and further used exclusively for statistical purposes."


Article V

Legal Relationship

  1. Registration on the website is required for the use of services by an applicant or client in accordance with Art. III and Art. IV of the GTC. Upon successful completion of registration, the applicant, as well as the client, shall create his own account, which is protected by a unique login name and password created by them. The applicant and client is obliged to protect the login name and password against misuse and not to provide them to third parties.
  2. Services shall be ordered via an account created according to Section 1 of this article of the GTC and also on the basis of another legal form, e.g. written or electronic - email order in the case of some services for the client.
  3. By placing an order with the operator, the client shall express his consent to the possible publication of his personal data or the personal data of his employees in the job offer, if this is required by the nature of the service that the client ordered from the operator.
  4. The client's order performed via the account according to Section 2 of this article of GTC shall be created by electronic confirmation of one or more of the possible service variants offered by means of the website's functionalities.
  5. The client's order created in a different way must contain at least:
    1. The client's business name and, if appropriate, legal form,
    2. Invoicing address and, if appropriate, the client's correspondence address,
    3. Business ID (IČO), Tax ID (DIČ) and/ or VAT (IČ DPH ) of the client,
    4. Contact details of the client (phone number, fax, e-mail),
    5. The type of ordered service and the period of service provision, by indicating at least a brief description.
  6. Regarding the applicant, the legal relationship shall be established by the acceptance of his CV. The operator may reject the CV or its change in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the GTC.
  7. Regarding the client, the contractual relationship shall be established by acceptance of the services chosen by the client. The operator may reject the selected services or their change in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the GTC. The provision of the service selected by the client shall also be considered as the confirmation of the order. The contract shall be concluded for a fixed period of time according to the duration of the service chosen by the client, effective from the date of acceptance. The operator is entitled to postpone acceptance until the payment of the remuneration for the service chosen by the client.
  8. The legal relationship between the operator and the applicant and the contractual relationship between the operator and the client shall be binding; it can only be changed in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the GTC or on the basis of mutual consent.
  9. The legal relationship between the operator and the applicant shall expire in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the GTC and upon expiry of the period for personal data processing, which shall be 3 years.
  10. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the contractual relationship between the operator and the client may be terminated before the expiry of its validity period:

    1. By written agreement of the contracting parties.
    2. By withdrawal from the Contract by the operator, if the client significantly violates his obligations arising from the contract or these GTC. Mainly the following shall be considered a significant breach of contract:

      1. publication of the offer by the client contrary to the provisions of the GTC
      2. using data about applicants for a purpose other than searching for a suitable intern or employee (e.g. marketing)
  • the client acts contrary to the contract and/or these GTC and/or good manners or rules and purpose, which are in compliance with the GTC
  1. the client acts contrary to the legitimate interests of the operator and, in particular, reduces his credibility
  2. when using the operator's services or the website, the client uses automated systems whose means of access are not provided by the operator
  1. A written notice of withdrawal from the contract shall be delivered to the other contracting party to the address specified in the registration or to the email address specified by them.
  2. If, through no fault of the operator, the contract or legal relationship is terminated without the services having been used by the client or applicant, the client or applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of the agreed price or any other claim. The operator shall not be responsible for incompletely used services.

Article VI


  1. The price of the service (if the service is charged) is determined according to the valid price list published on the website on the day the service is ordered, or individually agreed upon in the case of services whose terms are subject to individual agreement.
  2. The invoice (tax document) is usually issued by the operator before the start of providing services to the client. As a rule, the invoice is issued for the entire period for which the client ordered the use of services. The due date of invoices is 14 days from the date of issue of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed in the Contract. The client's acceptance of the ordered service is conditional upon the payment of the reward. In justified cases, the operator is entitled to provide the ordered service even before payment of the price of the ordered service; the operator shall inform the client about this fact in advance.
  3. The client is obliged to pay the price for the ordered service to the operator by non-cash transfer to his bank account indicated on the invoice in a proper and timely manner.
  4. In the case of a client's delay in paying the invoice, the operator is entitled to charge interests on delayed payment in the amount of 0.1% of the owed amount for each day of delay; at the same time, they are entitled to temporarily suspend the further provision of services until the invoiced amount is paid.
  5. The operator is entitled to unilaterally assign the claim against the client.


Article VII

Liability for Damage

  1. The operator shall not be responsible for the content of the service provided to the client. The client shall choose the content himself and is responsible for its correctness and legality. The client shall be liable to third parties for any infringement arising from the published offer. The operator shall not be responsible for any damage caused by providing a service on the Website.
  2. The client shall be obliged to protect the data obtained within the services in accordance with generally binding regulations.
  3. Provided any claims are raised against the operator due to the violation of any rights of third parties mentioned in this section, the client undertakes to to satisfy these claims and indemnify the operator in full.
  4. The operator shall not be responsible to the client for finding a suitable candidate to fill an employment vacancy, an intern or trainee program position and for his remaining in an employment or similar relationship, or for the duration of the internship or trainee program.
  5. The operator shall not be responsible to the applicants for finding a suitable position as an intern or participant in the trainee program, or a job offer, nor for its duration for the entire period presented.
  6. The operator shall not be responsible for any damage that may be caused to users or third parties by using the website, including the loss of profits or of any data.
  7. The operator shall bear no responsibility for any misuse of the login name and password by an unauthorized person, or for any subsequent damage and potential claims of third parties caused as a result of such a misuse.


Article VIII

Complaints Policy

  1. The client and applicant are entitled to complain about an error.
  2. The deadline for lodging a complaint is 7 days from the day the applicant or client discovered or could have discovered an error.
  3. The applicant and client are entitled to lodge a complaint in writing or by email to the address: The operator undertakes to announce the result of handling the complaint within 7 days from the date of receipt.

Article IX

Common and Final Provisions

  1. The operator reserves the right to change the GTC. Any change to the GTC shall be published on the website.
  2. Upon the entry into force of the new General Terms and Conditions, the original General Terms and Conditions shall become invalid.
  3. Provisions specified in the contract shall take precedence over the GTC. Relationships not regulated in these GTC or in the contract shall be governed by legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.
  4. These GTC enter into force on 1 April 2023.